Meet the J Family. Yes, the second J Family I'm blogging about in a span of a few hours haha. I met up with the J Family at their home for their family portrait session. At first I thought big brother was going to make things QUITE interesting as he was NOT enthused to have his photo taken....or so he would have us believe......within not too long and just a bit of coaxing from me he was posing, hamming it up, throwing out shot ideas, and being the best helper ever! What a turnaround! You just have to let the kids come out of their shells a bit and then you can really get cracking. It was a gorgeous night for photos and with the fall colors just starting to turn we got some great colors in these shots and what a well-coordinated family too! I couldn't have planned it better myself! :) It was so fun meeting you J family-- enjoy your sneak peek!