I borrowed this tiltshift lens back in November and was getting to take all sorts of fun photos with it, in this blog post I am going to share photos of my Grandpa Doug's camera. He was always taking photos back in the "good old days." In his later years after developing Parkinson's Disease many hobbies he loved were no longer possible for him. It is so fun to go through these old photographs. He especially loved taking photos of cars, well, my Grandma Georgeen standing in front of different cars :) I have searched high and low for a photo of HIM with his camera but so far no luck, I still hope to locate that photo. Photography was a passion for him that has passed on through our family. His sister, my Great Aunt Euni has always been a photo snapper, my mom has always taken a LOT of photos, and I have taken even MORE photos....ask anyone- very seldom did ANY occasion go by I didn't pull my old camera out of my purse and snap photos :) It gets stronger every generation--- oh boy I hate to imagine how strong my son and/or daughter may get the "bug" ;) My Grandpa Doug is no longer with us, passing away before my children had the pleasure of being able to meet him. He was such a special man and I often wonder what he would say about my passion for photography and the steps I've taken over the last year bringing it to a professional level. At least I can relish in his photographs and treasure these moments he created so long ago that today in 2011 I can still enjoy and feel almost like I was there in his photographs.