Announcing the 2nd Annual New Year, New You Contest! Those faithful followers may remember this from last year, but here is a refresher :)
The contest is to reward someone with a fully FREE photo shoot from Holly D Photography--- including a CD fully edited with images from their session with printing release! You can enter yourself or a family member or friend who is deserving. Just submit your/their photo and story of their New Year's Resolution or why they are deserving of this prize to hollydiestler@hotmail.com. Whether it be a new healthy lifestyle, a baby being born, a life changing event, spending more time with family or friends, a move to a new home, etc. The shoot will take place around September of 2012 to give you time to work on that resolution and see how it unfolds throughout the year.
Deadline for entries will be January 5th 2012. The winner will be announced January 8th 2012.
To Enter:
* Change your profile picture to the above photo/graphic about the contest until January 5th.
* Submit your photo and story to hollydiestler@hotmail.com
* Post on the Holly D Photography business page what your New Year's Resolution is.
* Share the link to the contest via Facebook and/or your own blogsite.
* "Like" the Holly D Photography business page as well as suggest it to 3 friends